Friday, July 13, 2007

Marduk (and "The She-Ocean")

(And ‘Omen the Seer’)

[22,497 BCl]

(In the Black Galaxy)


Omen the Seer, keeper of the souls, having second sight, a man who could make dreams or visions out of what he called his ‘Blue Focus,’ could see through walls and beyond outer limits, the dead in hell, among other things. This is whom Marduk came too eventually, and they become friends, comrade in arms. He feared no one, and was promised anything he wanted from Marduk, except part of the treasure. And now he has asked for what he wants!

He was often called upon by the cave dwellers to heal their sick, and even the King of Toso, asked his advise, and in this case, Omen saw by dwelling in the river waters for hours, in deep concentration, the treasure and the people in the cave, and sought out each tribe until he came to those faces, then he knew below their feet, was Raven. He told Marduk of this finding, whom told the Prince, Prince Nirut, whom took it to his father, the Blue King, and was acknowledge as Archwarrior of the kingdom.

Queen Sia, has died and the Blue King has taken died, and Toso is under the command of King Nirut, the year is 22,497 BC (his father has been dead for three years). Marduk has a eye for the Archrulership of Toso, not just the Great Capitol City, and Omen the Seer will be his assistant in this matter, if indeed things work out to his liking, and they just could.

Part one
Glistening in Twilight

Then at the bidding of the young King, King Nirut, Marduk went to the shore between the Great River, and the Great City Sitnalta, where companions of Toso still remained, awaiting greetings by the king, and he and the King took a boat, and the two mariners were set therein, in the glistening of the twilight, and the demon drove them away into the middle of the river, forty miles wide, and a great wind came. But they did not fear the wind; they talked of the treasure he once helped him find with Omen the Seer. And they drifted to the uttermost rim of the other side of the river, and there it was that Marduk lifted up his hands to the clouds, “I want to be Archegoverner of Toso and rule in proxy for you.”
The Blue King had given the job to another, and King Nirut had allowed him to remain in power. But he owed the demon, and he knew Omen the Seer was now his bosom friend, without his remaining on the planet to watch over it, it would be simply a matter of time he’d dominate it.

Now fair and marvelous was the Archkingdom made, and it was filled with a towering waving flame the entire city could see, and for miles around.
Far he had journeyed in his ship to see this kingdom at night, and the starless sky, and the all saw this young king in the mornings and in the evenings while on this planet, all the women wishing he’d choose a wife. He was contemplating what Marduk had asked, yet he knew the legends of the Gifted Ones, would they allow him to turn it over to a demonic force. He knew you could not make deals with devils, yet he came to another pathless void, he loved the planet Toso in his own way, it remained him of his youth as a kid. He had learned the tongues of he animals, the people, and the cave dwellers. He had met Adra, when he was but thirteen years old on a journey for his father, to find the Raven. She was at that time, his age, now she was the pride of the city, she was the first Assistant Governess. If he allowed Marduk to take over, he would have to put restrictions on him, lest he violate her, and then he’d have to war with him, and he did not want that, he wanted to get his army ready to conquer planet SSARG, which would be off in the future some years.
Moreover he knew he did not have forever to do what he needed to do, for his kind died young, but conquered quick, his advisers had told him such philosophies of other kings and warriors, even his sear that saw the future told him Japer the Lesser Seer. So he would allow him to take command, prepare for battles to be, and beneath his purple banners march on Toso if need be to take it back, what could he lose, he thought. But there could be a problem, Zoo-Loo, ruled by proxy now, per orders of the Blue King, and himself. He was of a great age, but well loved by the people, he could estranged the proxy king from the Lords of the great kingdom, Sitnalta if need be, but when he told the old king his wishes he seemed to be content in his blissful realm away form the Great City, The Gardens of Nodiesop, hence he took his retirement.

Part Two
The New King by Proxy

And so it was proclaimed, Marduk was Archegoverner, and Adra Assistant Archegoverner, and Omen the Seer, Marduk’s adviser, subject to Nirut’s rule. Zoo-Loo retired, with Celina his wife, and Kink Nirut, with his body guard Yahoo went back to Lihterb, with their seer Japer the Lesser.
Marduk knew, as everyone knew the young king was reckless, but headstrong, and would not hesitate to his death to take back what he felt was being covertly taken from him. Therefore, he was secretive on all his moves.
His first orders was to kill Zoo-Loo and his wife, his second orders were to dig up the old City of the Raven, the one Nirut reburied for posterity’s sake. The third order was to keep Adra under house arrest. And now he felt he could do as he pleased, the city and the planet were under his heel. Few of neither the city’s Plantons (Secret Guards) nor the cave dwellers, were willing to go forth to war, forth remembered the slayings Marduk had done in the past, but when given the chance, Adra, hearkened to Gunwale to take command of the city before it sunk to the depths of disparity and discrepancy, the chief commander of the Plantons.
Yet they all remained quiet in the great city, none of them set foot into the throne room—Gunwale, when called for.

Part Three
The Hidden Days on Lihterb

Of Nirut’s return to Lihterb, and his preparations for war with SSARG, little is written or documented in any journals, or tales, for among them, went no scribes during these days, only of his account on SSARG, thereafter, and while on Toso. And who made the histories of those days in-between are still unknown. But some things are know and learned long afterwards from Yahoo’s memoirs in the Northern Castle of Lihterb. Yahoo called these, “The Hidden Days on Lihterb.” Only found after his death, and I shall read them now to you:

“I Yahoo, remember the host of hosts, King Nirut, when he took meeting with the king of the West of Lihterb. He had conquered him long before, but there was a new proxy king in those far off lands. And there was a Great Battle; it was called by the king, “The War of Irritation.”
Young King Fang took power of his kingdom while Nirut was gone to Toso, and was trying to contain it when he arrived back. It had become somewhat more powerful, than the Nirut could recount, and was talking about war. Nirut did not want to war with the king, he wanted to get ready for a war with SSARG, the planet his father could not take.
But it availed him not to try and avoid him, he became a nuisance. And so King Nirut took all his armies, which numbered at this time, 200,000, for his city and lands had now populated to One million. And he took his army to the boarders of the West Kingdom of Lihterb, where Fang’s army awaited. And I shall tell you this now in brief, for it was a quick war to say the least. Perhaps he had 50,000-soldiers, but less armed, and less skilled than Nirut’s.
The Lihterbeans soldiers, save a few that needed to guard the city, Nirut’s Army, hit the Western Army so hard the fled the first day and hid themselves in the grasslands, caves, places inaccessible you’d think for a man of their size cold fit, even under large roots of trees. These untrained legions of the Western province of Lihterb perished like old twigs falling off a tree, and caught in a fire.
And the few that survived this great victory did not remain to trouble the world any longer, for King Nirut killed them as the tried to escape his lance. The problem was it would take long years now to re-supply his army to get ready for SSARG.
He was learning what his father had had taught him: take charge or someone else would; trust no one, at the end; they always turn to self interest. Thus, he avenged in one day and his brother Niruh, was the commanding general in this battle, and Nirut was proud of his actions. The enemy was hung in the middle of the Great City of the North; King Fang was marched through the streets to his gallows.

Part Four
Marduk’s Future

The Great Mother Beast, the Tiamat

Marduk hearing of Nirut’s victory, and how his host had overthrown the command of King Fang, drew forward, instead of quailed, and publicly killed Adra, announcing it publicly, saying she was a trader and trying to have the Plantains take over his kingship. But he did not dare to tell the King Nirut himself, he let the news drift back by setting his foe free, The Marshal Commander of the Plantains, Gunwale, after disfiguring him, by cutting off his nose, and ears, and cutting open his armpits so he could no longer threw lances in war, or protect the king, he was in essence showing Nirut, his people were helpless, yet he feared the young king, but it was his nature he was fighting, he could leave it at a laisser-faire, but could he for long, and how long, and now his army was bare to the bones you could say, a good time to fight and provoke one, set the white shinning flame.

(What Marduk wanted was a kingdom, Omen the Seer, had told him future, time, perhaps fifteen thousand years, he would be involved with the Tiamat (the great mother creature from the sea) on planet Earth, that there was a battle in the air with those of a city called Yort, and a man called Sinned, and the Tiamat, who came to this great city after the fall of Atlantis. That his time was really now or never, because he would not rule Yort for long, a sudden ruinous was the onset of a dreadful look on hi face. He was set back in his throne, great cries moans were coming out of his mouth, lightening form his eyes, a tempest of fire from his mouth.)

And Omen the Seer, explained to Marduk who the Tiamat was, for she was a creature like him, and here is how he explained it:

The Tiamat and Marduk’s Paths
(Part of the Tiamat Tales)

(Previously called: The Fortress called Yort)

The Great City of Yort, 6800 BC to 6000 BC

“The Tiamat will escape the great winters of 9600 BC, when Atlantis will sink, and the creation of a new continuant will be born, called “The Frozen Lands of Poseidon” (present day Antarctica).
At this time, a great catastrophe will have taken place upon the continent of Europe, and Asia as well as—all the way down the Southern Atlantic (geographically Murdock knew the land masses), the underground, bottom of the sea, will open up and swallow much of what is land, turned it upside down, or so it will seem, cover what didn’t sink with mud. Legend will say, it was then called ‘The Land of Sorrows,’ of which much of the Atlantean elite, left the so called tips of the mountains of what was left of Atlantis and fled to Crete and Egypt, creating a new race and life, and a secret society within these societies, that would someday become worldwide.
At this time, many of the inhabitants will have fled to a land near the Black Sea, where now stands Troy, but before Troy, it was Yort. It is a land set aside, alone on a mountain top, sort of. It will be able to guard itself from the many nations that would in time envy her. A great enclosure her people will build, and man and beast will marvel at Yort’s great walls, the envy of the new world, other than Atlantis, or Sitnalta, its equal or superior. Gilgamesh will try to copy these same walls in his day (2700 BC), the demigod from Sumer. As in this time, you will try to conquer her, but will fall short of doing so. The Tiamat will be your nemesis, as you hers.

(Omen the Seer hesitates, watches King Marduk, as he nods to continue with the story of the future, and his reckoning on earth, although he will not get the full story of his demise.)

The Tiamat will withdraw from the islands in the Atlantic and during the eruption will cast into the frozen waters of what will be know as, the new land, Antarctica.
At this time, Yort, will be but a few months old, being built after the destruction of the old world order, which was by the leadership of Atlantis, thus, the first king of Yort was but a King for a very short period of time, called Hellsink (He was as wicket as he was sadistic but not as sadistic as you of course, my fair king, Marduk: he had courage alright, and people of Yort grew to dread him and his ways: he loved the hunting of the wild bear and humans, with hidden eyes. He was at one time an Atlantean with a tinge of Greek heritage in him, a simple soldier you could add, who now became a king. He would take at will, and call it his right, the brides to be in Yort, and if there was any resistance, he would kill the whole family of the bride, to include the groom, again I say, liken to you. (the Seer was not trying to be disrespectful to his King, he was simply trying to be upfront, and show what he saw, and make comparisons to the king, ones he knew he could understand.)
Sunrise, the king’s young wife, also of Atlantean stock, but with Egyptian blood who feared the king less than anyone, above all, loved her new found kingdom. In truth, she proved to be a better Queen, than the king. Straight she walked, and tall, for she had come from a royal house in the Port of Poseidonia, the land of Atlantis. And although the king would rule for less than two years, she would rule for one hundred and twenty-seven, and die at the ripe old age of 175-years old. But of course she is not your kind, and loved order.
And so this is the history of the beginnings of Yort, and the coming of the Tiamat, and the winter she would withdraw from the South lands, to find her new nest. And this is your future history that will never satisfy you, thus, you must make well now.”
Part Five
Beasts of the Abyss

Thus, and end was made of the power of Marduk in the North of Toso, and the evil realm he was building to nil; for out of the deep abyss a multitude of lotus-dragons appeared, with seven foot wing spans, and stingers at the ends of their tail that once stung paralyzed, and teen of the saber tooth tiger. They were set free, the abyss door opened, and they came forth, they wanted to help Marduk, for they were of his nature, but could not, they were beyond all hope and salvation, and never say the light of day for a million years, and they looked upon this planet with eyes full of confusion. The made a great noise, adversaries they were for the northern regions of this planet, and were rent asunder. They had made an oath to the Cobbler, the Gifted One, the overseer of the planet, the little god, the Archangel, that if he as to open the abyss, they would destroy the army of Marduk. They had no choice, they were reluctant, but self interest prevailed, and they sought the paths of sunshine in the valleys and hills and cities of Toso, and created upheaval, trotted down the enemy like rodents and picked them up one by one and then tore them to pieces, and stung them, there were 10,000 of these beasts.
Then Marduk summed Omen the Seer, asked him why he did not see this coming. And all he said was, “Prepare to face weariness and loathing, despair, for the enemy is beyond King Nirut, it is of Rue, the victorious host of heaven, even I cannot see his mind, or the mind of his God.
“What can I do?” asked Marduk in despair.
“Bidding you yield up your arms, and go before you are formerly possessed by the Beasts of the Abyss, for they have been instructed to bring you down to its depths for a merciless amount of time, into its blinding darkness, slay you day after day, assault you by ordrs of the heavens. Make your escape while you can, and avoid the judgment.”
Marduk’s heart was indeed sorrowful, and he said, “Will it be that I will never be forgiven and the Cobbler and Rue never forget what I have done to the peace here, and I will never be able to return?”
“Foolish devil,” said the seer, “Why would you want to come back when the beasts of the Abyss gave oath to bring you down to is depths, what dreadful doom do you seek, if you disobey me, you will go into the unholy realm!”

Sirgylam and the Cannibal Beasts

And there came ten beasts from the abyss came at him, like flying dragons, and they tried to grab him, and in the process he threw the seer at the one beast called, Shames, and in front of the other called Humbaba, the third Sirgylam, Noge, Roe, Azaz ‘el, Semyas, Dog-face were all surrounding both of them: all demonic beasts reshaped to the abyss’ needs and desires, everlastingly. These were worse creatures than the other beasts; they had a craving for flesh to eat. And the seer could not foretell his own fate, and just before he was clawed up by Sirgylam to his doom, like an eagle picking up a rat from off the surface, he told Marduk, “Who can tell what dreadful doom we shall come to, if we try to go beyond the rim of heaven, and mock the servants of God Almighty!” And he was eaten alive, at which time; Marduk became invisible, journeyed back to earth.

Afterwards: Perhaps both the Seer and Marduk, went beyond the circles of the planets, perhaps they forgot, the Watchers were watching, indeed Marduk forgot the abyss of the everlasting darkness, if anything, it was perhaps one of his wisest things to move on. It was a battle King Nirut did not have to fight, and when he heard about it, then all his lands were raised to praise the God of Heaven.


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