The Demonic Forces of Planet Cibara (Cadaverous Plantes)) #32,33, 34))
The Cadaverous Planets
(Before the House of Moir; #32-eposode;
Part III to Planet Cibara)) 5-30-2007))
King Omlu
Of Ancient Moiromma
Pre Moiromma
Before the house of Moir existed on what is know known as Planet Moiromma, it was similar to life on earth, before the Great Flood (and then some), the Moirommalit’s then were similar to the Stone-aged men. These stone-aged men warred with the pre-Cibara dwarfs of the Northern lands of pre-Moiromma (Moiromma, was simply known at that time as the Rim Planet, being on the edge of two solar systems)) Earth’s and Moiromma’s). They often went to battle in the middle of the planet, in an area called the Southern Boarders (Reference is made to previous chapter-episodes for updates on King Moir; and for the planets here involved, see other ‘Cadaverous Planet stories).
The planet Cibara is just beyond the Asteroid Moon Ice Cap, which orbits the cold planet called Moiromma, just beyond Earth’s solar system—if one is to call Pluto, the last planet within our solar system, it is beyond that.
It was a time when the planet Cibara, was unpopulated for the most part, when pre-Moiromma was green and quite comfortable to live on. The scattered tribes in the North would eventually become Cibaralites, but of course that would take time and a process.
As I had said, it was a time of war, and King Omlu, had he not taken command of his realm when he did, genocide would have taken place with his people. The North was likened Earth’s arctic, but quite smaller.
It was said, in those far off days, a great storm came out of the north, and had scattered the tribes, forced them to go south, and the pre Moirommalit’s, the stone-people, who had been marching to conquer these Northern tribes, were stopped flat in their path, they could not advance; the storm lasting for weeks, would not allow the enemy to advance, and thus, at the Northern tribes under King Omlu, escaped to the land called Rabmid, (Rabmid, being, part of Ancient Moiromma, towards the Great Sea of the West). There they lived unnoticed for a period of time, and seemingly not able to return to their land, lest they cross over into the South, and the stone-warriors were there to greet them, the barbarians of pre-Moiromma.
King Omlu
It was about this time some a supernatural force, sent forth a being, a secret messenger by the name of Ura’el, not of flesh, whom had told the king, he blinded the eyes of the stone-people, and that their faith, through him, and unto his God-king, would save them, should they follow his instructions. This superhuman being, no person from pre-Moiromma had ever seen before.
Out of fear, the King received the stranger, and listened, “I come to your ad, to the ‘House of Omlu,’ and will save you and your people from the barbarians should you wish me to.” Said the angelic being, whom was instructed to deal with the king in a kindly fashion, and so did. Although the king listened, and looked serious with the supernatural being when he spoke, there was hesitation in his voice, his eyes, and his whole person.
Ura’el counseled the king for weeks on end, was treated as a special guest in the Kings’ House, and then upon the end of the eighth week Ura’el told him to make a decision “…hasty and willingly, for time is short!” for he knew the barbarians had found their whereabouts, and would attack soon.
The Great Lift
Said Ura’el, “There will be a new kingdom, and it will be called Cibara, and it will be on a planet nearby, it will be named after your son, and I assure you, the stone-people will not find this new kingdom, but only be able to see its cities.”
But the king hand changed his mind, he wanted his people to return to their old lands, and unto their old grief’s he led them, and into new wars, perhaps not believing in the words of the angelic being, or on the other hand, afraid to rebuild a kingdom on some far off a planet, and then have to let his son, that was not yet born, take command. Therefore, he led his 100,000-inhabidents into ruin.
And it was seventeen-years of battling, and it come to pass he had a son, and his wife did name the child Cibara, out of protest, yet she believed in the words of Ura’el, and to save peace within the now small kingdom, the king agreed, for now there was but 10,000 citizens left.
His son, now being 16-years old, was approached by Ura’el, and given the same message his father had received seventeen years prior. And with the wisdom of his mother (Queen Omluo), young Cibara accepted the offer, realizing it was just a matter of time before his people would be completely wiped out from existence. Thus, it was over night it took place, which 9,999-souls were lifted into orbit, in the blink of an eye, and found they were on what would be called, Planet Cibara (when they woke up from a dead sleep).
King Omlu was left to his own on pre-Moiromma.
Note: See Introductory Chapters to “The Cadaverous Planets” (Parts I & II Planet Cibara)
Part of “The Cadaverous Planets”
Building of the Great Enclosure of Cibara
(#33, Part IV, to the Planet Cibara Series)
Advance: Enslavement of the Demon, it was how the Great Enclosure got built, let no one tell you different, it was King Cibara’s cleverness, but evil got even, Noge impregnated his wife, and thus, his son become a hybrid, one third demonic, two thirds flesh. When the demon first appeared, King Cibara of Planet took a liking towards Noge, even felt sorry for him, and he was perhaps not as wise as he should have been, but cleaver he was. Noge was never stupid or smart, but on the edge, and perhaps not much different than any sexual manic, but he never told the King he had ulterior motives.
Actually, Ura’el was around in those days to keep an eye on things, and when the demonic forces started arriving, King Cibara looked the other way, it that somewhat dumbfounded him, asking, “King Cibara, why do you not come to me to shoo these misfits off your planet, you do realize I could, and with the Creator’s blessing.”
In generalities, the King said very little, “Let’s see if they can be useful on the planet, perhaps I can use them for the betterment of the place.” Ura’el knew better, you don’t bargain with a demon, for once you lose your edge, you are in his hands. But he left well enough alone, and just watched from time to time, when he would visit the planet.
During these first twenty-years on the Planet Cibara, the king threaten the demonic forces, which were not some one hundred in force, that if they did not build the Great Enclosure for him, he’d have Ura’el ostracize them from the planet. Thus, in fear of explosion, they build, brick by brick, some weighing 5000-pounds, a massive temple fortress. One that could withstand an earthquake, the cold of the planet, and the ferocious winds; it was a master piece, like a maze, thirty feet high, several feet thick, each wall, and there were several inner walls to the Enclosure. Out side the Enclosure, there were guard posts (or lookout posts).
It was just after the Enclosure was build, Ura’el returned, saw the last of the stones being put into place, and said to the King, “Tare down the Enclosure, it was built by God’s enemies, if you wish to keep my friendship.”
The King was praised by all his servants, or citizens for being so wise, and cleaver, he had now over 15,000-inhabidents. And now the demonic population had raised to150.
The king would not listen to Ura’el, and therefore, he dismissed himself, cordially, but a little disheartened. That is when things changed, that is when Noge got closer to the queen, Cibara’s wife, for he had married upon the completion of the Enclosure, at the ripe age of 41-years old.
Written 5-31-2007
Note: See Introductory Chapters to “The Cadaverous Planets” (Parts I & II Planet Cibara)
The Cadaverous Planets
(Before the House of Moir; #34-eposode;
Part V to Planet Cibara)) 5-31-2007))
The Demonic Counsel of Cibara
(And King Omlu’s new Kingdom)
Noge the Demon
King Omlu’s New Kingdom
Advance: it would seem it all started quite easy, too easy (if you have read the introductory episodes of The Cadaverous Planets, which gives reference to Cibara’s demonic migration). The demons appeared, it would seem out of no where, but of course that is not possible, they came from Planet Earth, and their was a lustful demon among them called Noge, although all were lustful in those days, it was just this one would change the status of the planet.
The Courtship
“I want all the demon on this planet to swear an oath to me!” demanded King Cibara, Noge the demon was of course was the first in line to do so, he never left the eyes of the queen when he gave it either, he had his intentions.
As for the rest of the demonic forces on planet Cibara, they—likewise—followed suite, in acknowledging the king’s request, and gave their oath (although, Ura’el had stressed to the king time and again, how worthless a demons word is, that it was natural for them to like, like it was natural for humans on earth to eat). I doubt the king heard a word of Ura’el; he was always too busy trying to subdue the demon to build his Great Enclosure of Cibara.
Thus, the king’s citizens rejoiced when the Enclosure was completed, and the demonic forces equally, then Noge reported to his kind, that Ura’el would not return unless the king destroyed the Enclosure.
Queen Lihterb, of Cibara for some odd reason, but 16-years of age when she married the king, fell in lust with Noge, and swore to him not to tell her husband of their affair—in fear he might destroy the Enclosure, and be rescued by Ura’el for he had his plans. Plus, there would be a child born, a hybrid, and should the king find out it was not his child, he would have it killed, therefore, he had an once of control over her.
“Be content, my king, I am with child,” the young queen told her husband, and remembering her oath to Noge, she remained silent of her promiscuousness.
The Demonic counsel
The king after hearing the good news of his wife being with child, never questioned her allegiance to him, the subject of whose child it might be was not in question, not in his mind at this time anyhow, it simply did not occur to him that she would be cohabitating on the side with a demonic being.
By and by, the fear within the king rose as the demons took over sections of the planet, a slice at a time, little by little, hoping to eventually have the whole of the planet under their control, it was just a matter of time, or so it seemed.
The child was born, and its name was Malsi, and the father was not Cibara of course, but rather Noge, and all 150-demon hand a great laugh the night of his birth.
There was an once of hope, if not excitement among the demonic forces of complete takeover of the planet in time, thereafter, if only they could out wait Cibara, his death would mean immediate control, especially with the Malsi, whom would be next in line to be king, and he was one third supernatural, or demonic, and two-thirds flesh, or his kind.
In the following years, a great counsel came to be on the planet, called “The Demonic Counsel (of Cibara),” as it become known. And the king elected Malsi to attend it, since he seemed to get along with the followers of Noge, better than he, and so he did attend, and brought back to the king the wishes of the counsel, which were really—expectations, if not down right demands.
A Hundred Years
It was perhaps a hundred years or so when the king heard of battles to be among the demon. They didn’t want to wait for the king’s death, matter of fact, they were fighting among themselves, and thus, Malsi build an underground structure in case there was a rebellion between flesh and spirit forces in the near future.
These were times when the king was uneasy to say the least; his strength to hold onto his kingdom was dwindling.
(King Omlu/the Hybrids) It was also a time when his father King Omlu, on planet pre-Moiromma was back in the land called Rabmid, where he had met Ura’el and refused his assistance. The king had given birth to several hundred children from the barbaric women of the South, wherein, a change in the mentality of the inhabitants slowly changed, to being more alert, quick thinking, and perhaps a little on the feeling side, yet, the barbarism did not leave their blood and soul completely. New life was developing on Moiromma, while on Cibara, it seemed to sicken the atmosphere, as the demonic forces become more and more powerful, and produced more children, hybrids, flesh and spirit, and the original inhabitants slowly died off, one by one. And for the most part, the children known as the hybrids came to live in ‘The House of Noge.’
For some odd reason, Malsi would not marry, and spoke little to the demonic forces, and likewise, to his king. His demonic father, somehow he knew, was told, and hated him, yet to survive he learned timing, and silence, he said only what he had to, and felt no secret was a secret once told, and told very little of anything, except what he had to. In essence, he did a lot of looking the other way, especially when he saw injustices; his mother being his aid and shelter.
King Omlu’s New Kingdom
The king, King Omlu, still on planet Moiromma, found himself back in the west province called, Rabmid, where he started to rebuild his kingdom, sloppy it may have looked, of tall timbers, and towers, and fences several feet tall, but it was a beginning. The Great Sea was not far off shore from his fortress of sorts, and here he lived in his wooden stronghold, with some two-hundred followers—adults and several hundred children, perhaps close to one thousand inhabitants.
Note: See Introductory Chapters to “The Cadaverous Planets” (Parts I & II Planet Cibara)) Written: 2-31-2; Lima, Peru.
Notes (Characters):
Cibara: First King of Planet Cibara (lived 800-yars)
Malsi: Son to Cibara
Niets: wife to Cibara (whom slept with a demon and bore Malsi)
King Omlu: Father to Cibara (Nomadic leader of the pre-Cibara inhabitants living on pre Moiromma (in the Northlands)
Queen Omluo: wife to King Omlu, mother to Cibara
Ura’el: Angelic being sent as a messenger to King Omlu
Rabmid (Part of Ancient Moiromma, toward s the Great Sea of the West)
Noge: Lust Demon from Earth, living on Cibara
Queen Lihterb: Cibara’s wife
The Cadaverous Planets
(Before the House of Moir; #32-eposode;
Part III to Planet Cibara)) 5-30-2007))
King Omlu
Of Ancient Moiromma
Pre Moiromma
Before the house of Moir existed on what is know known as Planet Moiromma, it was similar to life on earth, before the Great Flood (and then some), the Moirommalit’s then were similar to the Stone-aged men. These stone-aged men warred with the pre-Cibara dwarfs of the Northern lands of pre-Moiromma (Moiromma, was simply known at that time as the Rim Planet, being on the edge of two solar systems)) Earth’s and Moiromma’s). They often went to battle in the middle of the planet, in an area called the Southern Boarders (Reference is made to previous chapter-episodes for updates on King Moir; and for the planets here involved, see other ‘Cadaverous Planet stories).
The planet Cibara is just beyond the Asteroid Moon Ice Cap, which orbits the cold planet called Moiromma, just beyond Earth’s solar system—if one is to call Pluto, the last planet within our solar system, it is beyond that.
It was a time when the planet Cibara, was unpopulated for the most part, when pre-Moiromma was green and quite comfortable to live on. The scattered tribes in the North would eventually become Cibaralites, but of course that would take time and a process.
As I had said, it was a time of war, and King Omlu, had he not taken command of his realm when he did, genocide would have taken place with his people. The North was likened Earth’s arctic, but quite smaller.
It was said, in those far off days, a great storm came out of the north, and had scattered the tribes, forced them to go south, and the pre Moirommalit’s, the stone-people, who had been marching to conquer these Northern tribes, were stopped flat in their path, they could not advance; the storm lasting for weeks, would not allow the enemy to advance, and thus, at the Northern tribes under King Omlu, escaped to the land called Rabmid, (Rabmid, being, part of Ancient Moiromma, towards the Great Sea of the West). There they lived unnoticed for a period of time, and seemingly not able to return to their land, lest they cross over into the South, and the stone-warriors were there to greet them, the barbarians of pre-Moiromma.
King Omlu
It was about this time some a supernatural force, sent forth a being, a secret messenger by the name of Ura’el, not of flesh, whom had told the king, he blinded the eyes of the stone-people, and that their faith, through him, and unto his God-king, would save them, should they follow his instructions. This superhuman being, no person from pre-Moiromma had ever seen before.
Out of fear, the King received the stranger, and listened, “I come to your ad, to the ‘House of Omlu,’ and will save you and your people from the barbarians should you wish me to.” Said the angelic being, whom was instructed to deal with the king in a kindly fashion, and so did. Although the king listened, and looked serious with the supernatural being when he spoke, there was hesitation in his voice, his eyes, and his whole person.
Ura’el counseled the king for weeks on end, was treated as a special guest in the Kings’ House, and then upon the end of the eighth week Ura’el told him to make a decision “…hasty and willingly, for time is short!” for he knew the barbarians had found their whereabouts, and would attack soon.
The Great Lift
Said Ura’el, “There will be a new kingdom, and it will be called Cibara, and it will be on a planet nearby, it will be named after your son, and I assure you, the stone-people will not find this new kingdom, but only be able to see its cities.”
But the king hand changed his mind, he wanted his people to return to their old lands, and unto their old grief’s he led them, and into new wars, perhaps not believing in the words of the angelic being, or on the other hand, afraid to rebuild a kingdom on some far off a planet, and then have to let his son, that was not yet born, take command. Therefore, he led his 100,000-inhabidents into ruin.
And it was seventeen-years of battling, and it come to pass he had a son, and his wife did name the child Cibara, out of protest, yet she believed in the words of Ura’el, and to save peace within the now small kingdom, the king agreed, for now there was but 10,000 citizens left.
His son, now being 16-years old, was approached by Ura’el, and given the same message his father had received seventeen years prior. And with the wisdom of his mother (Queen Omluo), young Cibara accepted the offer, realizing it was just a matter of time before his people would be completely wiped out from existence. Thus, it was over night it took place, which 9,999-souls were lifted into orbit, in the blink of an eye, and found they were on what would be called, Planet Cibara (when they woke up from a dead sleep).
King Omlu was left to his own on pre-Moiromma.
Note: See Introductory Chapters to “The Cadaverous Planets” (Parts I & II Planet Cibara)
Part of “The Cadaverous Planets”
Building of the Great Enclosure of Cibara
(#33, Part IV, to the Planet Cibara Series)
Advance: Enslavement of the Demon, it was how the Great Enclosure got built, let no one tell you different, it was King Cibara’s cleverness, but evil got even, Noge impregnated his wife, and thus, his son become a hybrid, one third demonic, two thirds flesh. When the demon first appeared, King Cibara of Planet took a liking towards Noge, even felt sorry for him, and he was perhaps not as wise as he should have been, but cleaver he was. Noge was never stupid or smart, but on the edge, and perhaps not much different than any sexual manic, but he never told the King he had ulterior motives.
Actually, Ura’el was around in those days to keep an eye on things, and when the demonic forces started arriving, King Cibara looked the other way, it that somewhat dumbfounded him, asking, “King Cibara, why do you not come to me to shoo these misfits off your planet, you do realize I could, and with the Creator’s blessing.”
In generalities, the King said very little, “Let’s see if they can be useful on the planet, perhaps I can use them for the betterment of the place.” Ura’el knew better, you don’t bargain with a demon, for once you lose your edge, you are in his hands. But he left well enough alone, and just watched from time to time, when he would visit the planet.
During these first twenty-years on the Planet Cibara, the king threaten the demonic forces, which were not some one hundred in force, that if they did not build the Great Enclosure for him, he’d have Ura’el ostracize them from the planet. Thus, in fear of explosion, they build, brick by brick, some weighing 5000-pounds, a massive temple fortress. One that could withstand an earthquake, the cold of the planet, and the ferocious winds; it was a master piece, like a maze, thirty feet high, several feet thick, each wall, and there were several inner walls to the Enclosure. Out side the Enclosure, there were guard posts (or lookout posts).
It was just after the Enclosure was build, Ura’el returned, saw the last of the stones being put into place, and said to the King, “Tare down the Enclosure, it was built by God’s enemies, if you wish to keep my friendship.”
The King was praised by all his servants, or citizens for being so wise, and cleaver, he had now over 15,000-inhabidents. And now the demonic population had raised to150.
The king would not listen to Ura’el, and therefore, he dismissed himself, cordially, but a little disheartened. That is when things changed, that is when Noge got closer to the queen, Cibara’s wife, for he had married upon the completion of the Enclosure, at the ripe age of 41-years old.
Written 5-31-2007
Note: See Introductory Chapters to “The Cadaverous Planets” (Parts I & II Planet Cibara)
The Cadaverous Planets
(Before the House of Moir; #34-eposode;
Part V to Planet Cibara)) 5-31-2007))
The Demonic Counsel of Cibara
(And King Omlu’s new Kingdom)
Noge the Demon
King Omlu’s New Kingdom
Advance: it would seem it all started quite easy, too easy (if you have read the introductory episodes of The Cadaverous Planets, which gives reference to Cibara’s demonic migration). The demons appeared, it would seem out of no where, but of course that is not possible, they came from Planet Earth, and their was a lustful demon among them called Noge, although all were lustful in those days, it was just this one would change the status of the planet.
The Courtship
“I want all the demon on this planet to swear an oath to me!” demanded King Cibara, Noge the demon was of course was the first in line to do so, he never left the eyes of the queen when he gave it either, he had his intentions.
As for the rest of the demonic forces on planet Cibara, they—likewise—followed suite, in acknowledging the king’s request, and gave their oath (although, Ura’el had stressed to the king time and again, how worthless a demons word is, that it was natural for them to like, like it was natural for humans on earth to eat). I doubt the king heard a word of Ura’el; he was always too busy trying to subdue the demon to build his Great Enclosure of Cibara.
Thus, the king’s citizens rejoiced when the Enclosure was completed, and the demonic forces equally, then Noge reported to his kind, that Ura’el would not return unless the king destroyed the Enclosure.
Queen Lihterb, of Cibara for some odd reason, but 16-years of age when she married the king, fell in lust with Noge, and swore to him not to tell her husband of their affair—in fear he might destroy the Enclosure, and be rescued by Ura’el for he had his plans. Plus, there would be a child born, a hybrid, and should the king find out it was not his child, he would have it killed, therefore, he had an once of control over her.
“Be content, my king, I am with child,” the young queen told her husband, and remembering her oath to Noge, she remained silent of her promiscuousness.
The Demonic counsel
The king after hearing the good news of his wife being with child, never questioned her allegiance to him, the subject of whose child it might be was not in question, not in his mind at this time anyhow, it simply did not occur to him that she would be cohabitating on the side with a demonic being.
By and by, the fear within the king rose as the demons took over sections of the planet, a slice at a time, little by little, hoping to eventually have the whole of the planet under their control, it was just a matter of time, or so it seemed.
The child was born, and its name was Malsi, and the father was not Cibara of course, but rather Noge, and all 150-demon hand a great laugh the night of his birth.
There was an once of hope, if not excitement among the demonic forces of complete takeover of the planet in time, thereafter, if only they could out wait Cibara, his death would mean immediate control, especially with the Malsi, whom would be next in line to be king, and he was one third supernatural, or demonic, and two-thirds flesh, or his kind.
In the following years, a great counsel came to be on the planet, called “The Demonic Counsel (of Cibara),” as it become known. And the king elected Malsi to attend it, since he seemed to get along with the followers of Noge, better than he, and so he did attend, and brought back to the king the wishes of the counsel, which were really—expectations, if not down right demands.
A Hundred Years
It was perhaps a hundred years or so when the king heard of battles to be among the demon. They didn’t want to wait for the king’s death, matter of fact, they were fighting among themselves, and thus, Malsi build an underground structure in case there was a rebellion between flesh and spirit forces in the near future.
These were times when the king was uneasy to say the least; his strength to hold onto his kingdom was dwindling.
(King Omlu/the Hybrids) It was also a time when his father King Omlu, on planet pre-Moiromma was back in the land called Rabmid, where he had met Ura’el and refused his assistance. The king had given birth to several hundred children from the barbaric women of the South, wherein, a change in the mentality of the inhabitants slowly changed, to being more alert, quick thinking, and perhaps a little on the feeling side, yet, the barbarism did not leave their blood and soul completely. New life was developing on Moiromma, while on Cibara, it seemed to sicken the atmosphere, as the demonic forces become more and more powerful, and produced more children, hybrids, flesh and spirit, and the original inhabitants slowly died off, one by one. And for the most part, the children known as the hybrids came to live in ‘The House of Noge.’
For some odd reason, Malsi would not marry, and spoke little to the demonic forces, and likewise, to his king. His demonic father, somehow he knew, was told, and hated him, yet to survive he learned timing, and silence, he said only what he had to, and felt no secret was a secret once told, and told very little of anything, except what he had to. In essence, he did a lot of looking the other way, especially when he saw injustices; his mother being his aid and shelter.
King Omlu’s New Kingdom
The king, King Omlu, still on planet Moiromma, found himself back in the west province called, Rabmid, where he started to rebuild his kingdom, sloppy it may have looked, of tall timbers, and towers, and fences several feet tall, but it was a beginning. The Great Sea was not far off shore from his fortress of sorts, and here he lived in his wooden stronghold, with some two-hundred followers—adults and several hundred children, perhaps close to one thousand inhabitants.
Note: See Introductory Chapters to “The Cadaverous Planets” (Parts I & II Planet Cibara)) Written: 2-31-2; Lima, Peru.
Notes (Characters):
Cibara: First King of Planet Cibara (lived 800-yars)
Malsi: Son to Cibara
Niets: wife to Cibara (whom slept with a demon and bore Malsi)
King Omlu: Father to Cibara (Nomadic leader of the pre-Cibara inhabitants living on pre Moiromma (in the Northlands)
Queen Omluo: wife to King Omlu, mother to Cibara
Ura’el: Angelic being sent as a messenger to King Omlu
Rabmid (Part of Ancient Moiromma, toward s the Great Sea of the West)
Noge: Lust Demon from Earth, living on Cibara
Queen Lihterb: Cibara’s wife